Social Responsibility
We’ve been creating durable products, taking responsibility for the environment and fostering culture and education since back in the 1950s.
By joining the United Nations’ Global Compact in 2007, we once again underscored our commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility. Our corporate policy, management guidelines and systems are governed by Global Compact’s ten principles on protecting international human rights, complying with labor standards and employee rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

People-friendly working conditions
“A spirit of fairness”
At Wilkhahn, collaboration is all about being fair to and respecting others. It also means recognizing and fostering skills and special talents. The goal is to ensure that constructive collaboration inside and outside the company benefits everyone.
Collaborating with others fairly
“Give reasons for anything you ask people to do.”
This quote from Fritz Hahne set an example very early on. At Wilkhahn, good arguments justify decisions and not hierarchies. Corporate culture of this sort produces confident and able individuals who identify with and love their jobs.
International framework agreement
“Wilkhahn’s principle of fairness doesn’t just end at its own factory gates.”
We even expect and encourage safe and fair working conditions, as well as environmentally friendly processes, from international suppliers in their own supply chains. In 2009, Wilkhahn signed a framework agreement with international unions. Its purpose is also to foster good working conditions and employee rights based on the principles of the United Nations’ International Labor Organization (ILO) in the companies they represent too.

Workplace health and safety
“Health is a very important issue, both to individuals and the company.”
We believe that health management programs are key to our company’s success. Consequently, to prevent accidents in the workplace or work-related illnesses, we want to keep our workforce as safe as possible. Which is why our company health promotion program goes further than what’s required by law. We regularly invest in health and safety. Back in 2000, Wilkhahn was presented with the European Good Practice Award in Safety and Health at Work by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
Fostering culture, education and upskilling
“Well-trained employees are pivotal to a company’s successful development.”
Wilkhahn provides comprehensive vocational training to young people in the blue-collar or white-collar sector. It also offers collaborative education courses. But long-standing, more experienced employees are also encouraged to upskill.
We believe that raising awareness of quality, design and sustainability shapes lifestyles and consumption significantly. Therefore, it’s part of our role to educate people about these issues. Which is why Wilkhahn collaborates with cultural organizations, such as the German Association for Fostering Building Culture. We’re also involved with educational projects in schools, publications and exhibitions that highlight links between design, quality and sustainability. Our door’s always open to visitors from schools, colleges and professional development organizations and we hold guest lectures at