Wilkhahn Graph Meeting Table

300 range - Design: jehs+laub

The Graph tables reflect the principal design feature of the Graph conference chairs. The chair’s apparently seamless foot section, armrests and seat are mirrored in the Graph conference tables. On the table frame the aluminium underframes echo the sloping die-cast aluminium legs and their curved and flat look. As a result light lines appear consistently on the table frame, lending the frame a seamless appearance. The large spans also create an impression of elegance where gravity seems almost suspended. This ef fect is enhanced by the asymmetrically curved table edges and the rounded corners of the table. The formats include round tables, as well as compact and long oval shapes which are based on squares and triangles. Sizes range from 120 by 120 to 780 by 230 centimetres (47 1 / 4 " by 47 1 / 4 " to 212 5 / 8 " by 90 1 / 4 ") and provide generous space for four to 22 people. As a stylish table for meetings, or prestigious piece of conferencing furniture, Graph stands for high-quality interaction.

Wilkhahn has added four new models, 230 cm deep for 16, 18, 20 and 22 people, to its range of Graph conference table systems. 

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Digital brochures
300 Graph Table Digital brochure ENG (pdf 2.74 MB)
Product information
30/300 Graph Chair/Table Brochure (pdf 0.93 MB)
300 Graph Table Manual (pdf 9.95 MB)
300 Graph Table Product Information (pdf 0.41 MB)
All products from Wilkhahn / Catalog (pdf 31.72 MB)
Australien Made Certificate (pdf 0.09 MB)
Cleaning and Disinfecting information (pdf 3.1 MB)
Conference Tables Brochure (pdf 3.28 MB)
Conferencing Workbook (pdf 7.4 MB)
Healthy and future-proof Office Workspaces (pdf 6.34 MB)
Wilkhahn Catalog AU (pdf 31.72 MB)
CAD Data - Revit files
300 Graph Table Revit files metric (zip 27.49 MB)
300 Graph table 2d files (zip 0.08 MB)
300 Graph table 3d files (zip 3.15 MB)
300 Graph table 3ds files (zip 2.94 MB)
300 Graph Table Range Revit imperial (zip 28.99 MB)
300 Graph table iF product design award 2014 Urkunde (pdf 0.16 MB)
300 Graph Table iF 2014 Certificate (pdf 0.16 MB)
300 Graph table GREENGUARD Certificate (pdf 0.67 MB)
Australien Made Certificate (pdf 0.09 MB)
Environmental Information
300 Graph table GREENGUARD Certificate (pdf 0.67 MB)
Environmental Statement (pdf 7.73 MB)
Videos and more
300 Graph Table "Production" Video (mp4 13.8 MB)
Woodstain Colours sample card (pdf 0.76 MB)