
614 range - Design: Andreas Störiko
Scaleable. Multi-purpose. Ingeniously combinable.
Conference table Timetable Shift combines Timetable’s swivel-tabletop principle with the frame design of the established Logon conference table range. The signature uprights are topped out by a high-precision aluminium casting. Its dual function provides a stable bearer for larger tabletop sizes and a shoe for a spacious cable channel for connecting the table and multimedia equipment to the power supply. Substantial hinges allow wide surfaces to be safely tilted and an easy-to-use draw rod locks the tabletop horizontally or vertically. Specifiable in increments of five centimetres, formats of 150 to 210 centimetres in width and from 75 to 105 centimetres in depth are available to suit customer preferences. The applications are therefore limitless, from temporary work spaces, to tables for meetings or as conferencing systems. And what’s more, Timetable Shift offers seamless solutions on demand by combining static Logon tables in suites that are sub-divided by folding partitions, extracting optimal performance from high-value communication-oriented space.
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