A best-of-the-best award for a shell-structure chair


Carsten Gehner, head of product development at Wilkhahn, and Ilke Teske, from design management, are delighted with the accolade presented at the Red Dot Award ceremony.

Yonda’s now officially one of the best of the best. Just recently, the new shell-structure chair family was presented with a prize as part of the Red Dot Design Award. Yonda’s blend of an innovative use of materials, perfect design, ergonomic comfort and suitability for hybrid work styles impressed the judges all along the line.


Lookbook shows the details

The new lookbook presents Yonda as a chair with a historic legacy and seminal appeal. Wilkhahn collaborated with design studio neunzig°design to create a piece of furniture that reinterprets an archetypal, spacious shell-structure chair for the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s world. The lookbook highlights the details, appeal and what makes the chair so special. The combination of all these facets ensures that Yonda chairs lend rooms a special atmosphere. The materials, comfort and aesthetic are what make Yonda an exceptionally sustainable chair range.


Why not have a peek at the Yonda lookbook yourself? Enjoy leafing through it.

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Further information

Click here to find out more about the Red Dot Award.


You can read more about the Yonda shell-structure chair range here.