A phone app that prevents an addiction to mobiles? Yep. It’s called Forest and endeavours to help us concentrate on a particular task in a playful way. The goal is to reforest a digital forest. Interrupting work by checking e-mails or Facebook leads to the forest dying. This motivational aid works so well that procrastination no longer has a chance. However, Forest is just one of 15 productivity-boosting apps that are presented on the project management tool Trello’s blog. From a timekeeping one called Hours to a document handling option called Scanbot to the self-explanatory Timezone, Trello blogger Francesco D’Alessio comments on various applications that try to help us structure our working day, communicate worldwide or stick to goals we’ve set ourselves.
And while we’re on the subject of goals: we also recommend our new Wilkhahn fitness app for the office too – so that health and well-being don’t get a raw deal with all that boosting of productivity!
To the article on the Trello blog
Everything about the Wilkhahn fitness app: blog.wilkhahn.com/officeworkout-app